
Spirit. Soul. Body

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About Us

"Ruach Life Inc., registered as a 501(c)(3) ​organization, is a global ministry headquartered in ​Ocala, Florida. We acknowledge the challenging and ​chaotic nature of our contemporary world, marked ​by an ever-growing sense of emptiness and a ​mental health crisis amidst a spiritual battle. As we ​navigate these tumultuous waters, we believe that ​true healing begins with finding moments of rest ​and renewal."

Understanding that humans consist of Spirit, Soul, ​and Body, our core mission centers on providing ​educational resources and guidance to help ​individuals lead lives infused with the Holy Spirit, ​thereby cultivating abundance in every dimension ​of existence.

Holographic Beige Background

The meaning of the Hebrew word Ruach (pronounced roo-akh) is "breath," or "wind," or "spirit." In ​Scripture, the word is applied both to human beings and to our Heavenly Father. Depending on the ​context, Ruach can be talking about a person's emotional state of being, or their soul or spirit, and ​is sometimes used as an idiom, as in "a mere breath." When coupled with one of the names of ​God, Ruach refers to the Holy Spirit. We focus on living a life filled with The Holy Spirit to walk in ​victory with power and authority.

-John 14:12


To be a vessel for individuals to Heal and Grow ​through the Power of The Holy Spirit.


A global movement where all human beings are ​Spiritually, Mentally and Physically healthy and ​strong.

Our Focus

Ruach Life is a Church that caters to all people, prioritizing the holistic ​well-being of individuals. Recognizing ​that humans consist of spirit, soul, and body, these pillars form the core of ​our ministry.

We provide practical guidance and resources aimed at facilitating transformed lives characterized by lasting ​​peace and love. Our mission encompasses all aspects of well-being, including spiritual, emotional, and ​physical ​dimensions. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of career and financial education as integral ​components ​of a healthy lifestyle.

Central to our approach is the empowerment derived from the presence of the Holy Spirit (Ruach), which ​serves ​as the catalyst for our healing journey. At Ruach Life, we foster a sense of community through various ​avenues ​such as Bible studies, workshops, community involvement, prayer and healing sessions, devotionals, ​and retreats. Join us as we embark on this holistic journey towards fulfillment and wholeness.

Wellness Education in:

Spirituality and cosmic energies

Spiritual Life

Connect to Our ​Heavenly Father

Mind Background

Emotional Health

Heal from Trauma

stretching exercises

Physical Health

Diet, Rest, Fitness


Business, Career, ​Home, Family


For Every Pillar:

Spirit, Soul & Body

We offer personalized coaching,

a MEMBER ONLY mentorship program and ​individualized support.

In Person, Online Workshops, and Retreats.

  • Healing Sessions
  • Community
  • PTSD
  • Family
  • Marriage
  • Business/Career
  • Relationships
Friends Joining Hands
Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template

Our Ministry to Christian Business Owners

Strong Business

A Christian Marketplace Directory

Strong Business is a ministry provided by Ruach Life Inc.

Your Memberships Supports Us!.

Teen Boy Working on Laptop




young asian teen group meeting teamwork

Our program to educate

and prepare Young People for success

getting an early start.

Teens working on robotics project
Students Training to Work
Teen Gamer Celebrating Win
Boy making robot toy for school project

As a child, Natalia discovered her innate gift of prophecy, laying the foundation for her ​​extraordinary journey.

She launched her career in Education in 1997, with a concentration in Child Development ​​and Psychology as well as attending Calvary Chapel Bible College in Fort Lauderdale, FL. ​​focusing her studies in Biblical Counseling.

The unique relationship between her insatiable quest to learn and grow spiritually, and ​​persevere in education, played a pivotal role in Natalia becoming an award-winning film ​​producer.

In 2010, Natalia began ministering to women, extending her outreach to a diverse ​​population. Since she had an inherent passion for captivating stories on film, Natalia ​​created a film production studio in 2014. This company later expanded into a leading full ​​digital marketing agency. She continued her mission to help people heal spiritually.

Natalia's vision revolves around empowering individuals to cultivate resilience and ​​strength in every facet of their being; spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Drawing ​​from her own experiences, with countless miracles, her fervent desire is for all people to ​​develop an intimate connection with God, unlocking their extraordinary potential within ​​their lives.

As an Ordained Minister she conducts individual and group workshops that are ​educational in her gift of the ​Prophetic, allowing those to heal and become their best ​selves.


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“I cannot begin to even say in words what Ruach Life has done, not only for me, but ​my family!

The founder of Ruach Life, Natalia Wolf has poured out her heart and soul to this ​spirit filled movement that is aimed to Heal, Free, Restore and Renew your whole ​being by reconnecting you to the main source of Life. Every area that was dead in ​my life has come alive.

My marriage and relationship with my children went from being scarce to being full ​of hope again and feeling alive.

I can write a whole book on the major breakthrough my whole family including ​myself have received.

This is a movement that everyone who is struggling in any area to flourish, should ​join!”

Monica P

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When I met Natalia I was going through ​personal life struggles I had never ​experienced in my life, I needed ​deliverance and prayer for my life. She ​spent hours with me to help me get healed ​and delivered. She helped me reset my ​mind and heal physically.

Louisa B

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